Science Blog
Here you will find the latest Science News, examples of student work and interesting facts
Mediterranean lifestyle associated with lower risk of all-cause and cancer mortality
People who adhere to a Mediterranean lifestyle -- which includes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; healthy eating habits like limiting added salts and sugars; and habits promoting adequate rest, physical activity, and socialization -- have a lower risk of all-cause and cancer mortality, according to a new study. People who adhered to the lifestyle's emphasis on rest, exercise, and socializing with friends had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality.
Individuals who have poor oral hygiene have an increased risk of heart disease compared to those who brush their teeth twice a day
Once the data were adjusted for established cardio risk factors such as social class, obesity, smoking and family history of heart disease, the researchers found that participants who reported less frequent toothbrushing had a 70% extra risk of heart disease compared to individuals who brushed their teeth twice a day, although the overall risk remained quite low.
Researchers find strong adolescent-parent relationships lead to better long-term health outcomes in young adults
The study controlled for age, race, ethnicity, family structure and other factors and separated the data based on relationships with mother and father figures who lived in the home. More than 10,000 participants were analyzed for the study.
The study found that participants who reported higher levels of mother-adolescent and father-adolescent warmth, communication, time together, academic expectations, relationship or communication satisfaction and inductive discipline reported significantly higher levels of general health in young adulthood.
"The overall pattern of these results suggests strong relationships between adolescents and their mothers and fathers leads to better health and well-being in young adulthood," Ford said. "Efforts to strengthen parent-adolescent relationships may have important long-term health benefits."

Sciencedipity Day 23/6/2023
Students at Marland school enjoyed a day with ‘Sciencedipity’ today which involved secondary school students learning about acids and alkaline by carrying out an investigation testing different substances and learning if they are acid and alkaline depending on the colour change. Also exploring the world of chemical reactions by watching demonstrations such as ‘elephants’ toothpaste’, lemonade with menthos and making their own slime!
Primary school students explored the world of electricity by investigating what materials are insulators and which are conducts by making their own circuits, lighting up playdoh with LEDs and having the opportunity to have a go on a Van de Graaf generator!

Summer Term
This term key stage 4 students are learning about 'Infection and Response' in this topic they have been learning about different types of microbe and what diseases they cause, how our body defends itself and how vaccinations work!
Student Work - June 2023

Student Work

Autumn Term
Key Stage 3
This term ks3 students have covered a wide range of topics looking at single cells to organs to whole systems. At the start of term we started looking at oral hygiene and how to look after our teeth and mouth-the first stage of digestion. We then went through the digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems in detail exploring how organs are adapted to carry out their function. Some students really challenged themselves this term and even went on to KS4 work looking at what 4 components make up the blood-well done!
Key Stage 4
This term KS4 students are investigating how our bodies and plants are organised. We have looked at the structure and function of the Lungs, heart and blood vessels and digestive system. At ks4 the students need to know about the different types of enzyme; lipase, carbohydrase and protease and what they break down.
Dissection Day
Students today have had a great Dissection day today exploring different organs, how they look/feel and how they are designed to carry out their functions. Most Students have dissected an organ or all 3 today; the lungs, the heart and an eyeball.
Dissection is a hugely important part of Biology, allowing scientists to explore and discover the body and how it works. Hope you enjoy some photos from today!
Dissection Day
Student Example Work:
Science Articles:
What you eat can reprogram your genes
Food is commonly thought of as providing calories, energy, and nourishment. The most recent research, however, indicates that food may also "speak" to our genome, which serves as the genetic manual for the body's cellular-level operations.
Your health, physiology, and lifespan may be affected by this genetic and dietary interaction. Nutrigenomics is a branch of biology that aims to understand how diet affects an animal's DNA. Since this field is very young, there are still a lot of unanswered questions. However, there is a lot that has already been discovered by academics concerning the impact of dietary components on the genome.
So how does food become a biological instruction manual? Keep in mind that food contains macronutrients. These consist of proteins, lipids, and carbs, sometimes known as sugars. Micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are also present in food. These substances and the by-products of their breakdown can activate the genome's genetic switches.
It's interesting to note that foods have the power to change how genetic information is transmitted between generations. According to studies, the food of grandparents affects both the activation of genetic switches and the risk of disease and death in grandchildren in both humans and animals
These Microbes Could Make You More Attractive to Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are the world's most lethal animal. Mosquito-borne infections cause about one million fatalities each year, including malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika, and chikungunya fever.
The manner in which mosquitoes seek out and feed on their victims influences how a virus spreads in nature. Mosquitoes spread diseases by serving as carriers of viruses and other pathogens. For example, if a mosquito bites a person afflicted with a virus, the mosquito can pick up the infection and pass it on to the next person it bites.
Mosquitoes detect prospective hosts through a variety of sensory signals, including your body temperature and the carbon dioxide generated by your breath. Odours have a part as well. Previous laboratory study has discovered that mice afflicted with malaria have fragrance modifications that make them more appealing to mosquitos.
We discovered that the number of mosquitos flying toward infected and uninfected mice was equivalent after inserting a filter in the glass chambers to prevent mouse scents from reaching the mosquitoes. This implies that something in the scents of the diseased mice lured the mosquitos to them.
Getting as little as 10 minutes of vigorous exercise a week can help us to live longer
Vigorous intensity exercise is defined by the NHS as any activity that makes you breathe hard and fast. Anyone engaging in these activities will not be able to say more than a few words at a time without having to pause to catch their breath. Examples include swimming, riding a bike up a hill and walking up a flight of stairs.
The team found increasing health benefits as the volume and frequency of vigorous activity increased, but significant benefits were seen even with small amounts of exercise.
Participants who undertook no vigorous activity were found to have a 4 per cent risk of dying within five years. This was halved to 2 per cent for those taking 10 minutes per week and halved again to 1 per cent for those taking 60 minutes or more
Watching or listening to birds can help boost mental wellbeing, even for those with depression
a systematic review of 10 studies looked at the relationship between professional burnout in healthcare staff and their ability to be empathetic. Eight out of 10 of the studies showed that those experiencing burnout were less likely to be able to demonstrate empathy.
So if we are not looking after ourselves and our own mental health and emotional reserve, we are not able to look out for other people either. The phrase ‘put on your own oxygen mask first’ seems extremely pertinent to our ability to be empathetic and helpful to others, and also to society as a whole. Perhaps this is not a surprise, considering that society is made up of individuals all bringing their own perceptions, problems and skills to the table.
Just as we mirror other people’s feelings and expressions when we are showing empathy, so our communities are really a reflection of how well we are all looking after ourselves. Best get an early night then.
Nanobots made from DNA could fight cancer by delivering drugs directly to tumours
a team based at UdeM, led by Prof Alexis Vallée-Bélisle, has come up with a potential solution using bio-inspired nanotechnology. They have built nanobots out of DNA that mimic the ability of protein transporters found in living organisms to maintain precise supplies of specific molecules to specific parts of the body.
The team developed two types of DNA nanotransporters: one to carry quinine, a medication commonly used to treat malaria, and one to carry doxorubicin, a drug currently used to treat breast cancer and leukaemia