Art and Design
Home learning ideas:
- BBC bitesize – art and design
- Take photos – print them if you can, or email them to me.
- Draw – Have a go at drawing from your imagination or real life.
- Create collages - Use: newspaper, envelopes, magazines, fruit bags, plastic bags or bottle tops, fabrics to create scenes or surfaces to work on.
- Create a sketch book or journal using your photo’s, drawings and collages (and words if you want)
- Draw and decorate a word in large bold writing.
- Collage over your photo’s
- Research artists
- Artists copies – Copy an artwork you admire, be creative with your media (the materials like pencils or paint you can use – if you don’t have pencils or paint what else could you use?)
- Find out about artists’ lives- when and where they lived – this can help put their creativity into context.
- Research to see how many art movements you can find
- Complete the worksheets
Artists to research: Vincent Vangogh, Hundertwaser, Louise Boureois. Feel free to research any artist you are interested in.
Feel free to email me and I can give you more personalised targets or ideas.